Winter Clinics - 2023

Registration is closed

Clinic Day Location Time Dates Fees Age Groups Capacity
Skills Mondays Radisson School 6:00-8:00pm January 9 - March 20 $100.00 U9 - U11 Max 20 athletes
Skills Thursdays Prince Edward School 6:00-8:00pm January 12 - March 23 $100.00 U13 Max 20 athletes
Skills Tuesdays Radisson School 7:30-9:30pm January 10 - March 21 $100.00 U15 Max 20 athletes
Skills Tuesdays Joseph Teres School 7:30-9:30pm January 10 - March 21 $100.00 U17 Max 20 athletes
Pitching Wednesdays Arthur Day Middle School 7:00-8:30pm January 11 - March 22 $150.00 Open Max 10 athletes
Pitching Wednesdays Arthur Day Middle School 8:30-10:00pm January 11 - March 22 $150.00 Open Max 10 athletes

Fees must be paid prior to attending the first clinic.

Registration is on a first come, first serve basis, with priority given to NESA athletes. Each clinic will have a waitlist. Additional sessions may be added if there is enough demand. To be added to the waitlist, follow the registration link. Out of catchment athletes may be moved to the waitlist if a session can be filled by NESA athletes. This will be communicated to affected athletes and full refunds will be issued.

Bring your indoor runners, ball glove, fielding mask, and water bottle.

Pitchers must bring their own catcher. Catchers may be parents or players. Balls will be provided.

Note for selecting the early/late pitching session. If the early session fills up and younger pitchers are waitlisted, older pitchers may be asked to move to the later session to make room.

The first two week are free for U11s that want to try out pitching.
**Email for a promo code.

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